Peter's Mum Maryisa was always Peter's Mum to us. However, only on Xmas day just gone, we were saying to Maryisa and Peter that since both of us had lost our mums, we wanted to start a share a mum or adopt a mum program for Maryisa. Such a great lady - one would never imagine from the outside what hardship and sadness she had encountered in her early years. Lindsay first met her over 30 years ago when Peter and I worked together and Peter’s dad came to her for homoeopathic treatment. That made Maryisa feel a special closeness because someone else knew about her past. It was a shared joy to fetch and leave Maryisa from her flat for the frequent feasts at Peter and Samira’s. She was proud of her flat and when Lindsay went into her flat she would point out pictures and tell stories of her interesting life. Then we would chat happily about her life playing bridge, driving her car, reading books on history, being independent and enjoying spending time with Peter,Samira and their friends. She was always beautifully dressed but what she wore best was that ever ready smile! She was so positive about people often repeating the word lovely (lovely! lovely!) when talking about an individual. She was very positive about her life in England, talking of lovely people and beautiful countryside. We shall sorely miss the shared laughter and kind words but what a privilege to have shared time with her!